Collaboration with CareerLink

Published July 12, 2024

Objective: To find what resources CareerLink can provide to our clients, particularly those with limited English proficiency.

On July 9th, 2024, ISC staff met with Jerrick Ventress (One Stop Operator) and Mary Ellen Balchunis (Outreach Specialist) of CareerLink to discuss CareerLink’s services and how these two agencies can best work together going forward.
Highlights include

  • Phuong requested that CareerLink focus on more short-term vocational training, especially related to the healthcare field. Jerrick shared that they are working on this and are generally shifting towards short-term training to help clients find employment more quickly.
  • There was a discussion of the ISC’s Employability Development Plan and finding fields of focus for clients.
  • The representatives from CareerLink explained that employers are hesitant to hire employees with a language barrier without special circumstances. The ISC explained how the team is combatting this by providing clients with Vocational English Language Training (VELT), which helps them prepare for general, non-specific work or specific fields of
  • CareerLink suggested that we use their SkillUp program, which provides certificate and training programs in many different industries. The training is free, but students must pay for the certificate at the end of the training. CareerLink explained that they can subsidize this certificate payment.
  • CareerLink currently has a pilot program offering a Computer Resource Center for several hours a day, three days a week. Here, clients can use the computers and receive direct assistance with skills such as creating resumes and preparing for interview
  • The ISC requested to set up a meeting to visit the CareerLink in-person center to understand their processes step by step. The visit is planned for this Friday, July 12th at 9:30 AM. Those planning to attend are Ashlin, Diana, Zahra, Roqia, Aziz, Nate, Hanif, Dyna, Rebecca, and Yasna.
  • Starting July 17th, Dr. Mary Ellen will visit the ISC every Wednesday from 10 AM to 12 PM.

This meeting between the ISC and CareerLink was beneficial and informative for both agencies and will lead to more productive interactions in the future. The ISC is eager to participate in future collaborations with CareerLink to work towards the best possible outcomes for our clients.




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